ADDIKTD Youth Ministry
(6th – 12th Grade)


Rev. Jerry and Sis. Tashara Keys

ADDIKTD provides COFBC youth with the opportunity to develop spiritually and to take more active roles in worship to God.  The ultimate goal of this ministry is to win young people for the Kingdom of God and to aid in their spiritual growth.  ADDIKTD consists of Youth Choir, Praise Dance and Mime Ministries, Youth Usher Board, and Youth Sunday School and Bible Study.

Assimilation Ministry


Bro. Glenn & Sis. Lois Lea- Cain

To “assimilate” implies the incorporation of a person into a community. That is precisely what this ministry’s task is designed to do…help people become fully integrated into our church family.

The Bridge Ministry (Ages 31-45 Years Old)


Rev. Thomas Rice

The Bridge Ministry empowers young adults through wise Biblical teaching, social interaction, and community outreach to expand the Kingdom of God. Our ministry includes married and unmarried members between the ages 31-45. Join us as we seek to fulfill the mission of COFBC by leading, evangelizing, assimilating, and proclaiming.

CCDC Food Pantry


Sis. Brenda Henry

The purpose of the Cathedral Community Development Corporation is to strive to be a body of Christian believers who reach out to those in need in the community. Motivated by Christ’s love, the CCDC Food Pantry continues Christ’s work by feeding the unemployed, the working poor, the elderly and the physically and mentally challenged in the Beaumont area.

Children’s Ministry (Pre k – 5th Grade)/Awana


Rev. Terrell Wilson

Children’s Ministry provides the opportunity to all children of Cathedral to develop spiritually and to take a more active role in the worship of God.  The goal of this ministry is to win young people for the Kingdom of God and aid in their Christian growth.  They will be taught to discuss the Godhead, the plan of salvation and how to lead another child into the body of Christ.  It is our hope that these children develop a spirit of service toward the things of God.

AWANA is an acronym for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed and comes from 2nd Timothy 2:15. “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” The mission of AWANA is to teach boys and girls the gospel of Jesus Christ and to train them to serve him. It is also an effective vehicle for the participants to witness to other boys and girls and even their families.

Christian Education Ministry


Sis. Princess FrankliN

Christian Education Ministry involves the administration and coordination of programs or strategies to facilitate the spiritual growth or discipleship of believers into Christ-likeness.

Community Prayer Band


Sis. Minnie Senegal (Pictured on left)

The Community Prayer Band is a group of people dedicated to the ministry of prayer and intercession. Our mission is to serve the Body of Christ locally and around the world by praying for their needs and requests.

Culinary Ministry


Sis. Barbara Guidry (Pictured on left)

The Culinary Committee is responsible for the selection and preparation of food for all special services of the church.

Decoration Committee


Sis. Pamela Byrd

The Decorating Committee is responsible for maintaining the inner beauty of the church via flowers and bulletin boards. This ministry is also responsible for decorating the church for special events within the church.

Diaconate Ministry


Sis. Patricia Gooden

The Diaconate’s primary goal is to serve as helpmates to the Pastor and deacons through the preparation of Baptism and Communion and the assistance of female members of the church with the special needs. Diaconates are women who exhibit strong Christian character and demonstrate Christian leadership and guidance for young women. This group usually consists of Ministers’ and Deacons’ wives.

Discipleship Ministry


Bro. Sidney Appling, Jr.

These individuals are responsible for introducing new members of Cathedral to the “Plan of Salvation”. Disciples are also responsible for walking with new members through their four weeks of orientation and beyond. Disciples assist in any way possible to assimilate new members into the church family and ministry.

Education Committee


Dr. Mark Porterie

The purpose of the COFBC Education Committee is to improve educational outcomes resulting in healthy individuals, families and community who have economic stability with productive careers and contribute positively to a civic and equitable society. Our goal is to facilitate, advance, and evolve a common agenda to ensure all children in our community have a clear path to economic prosperity through church, family, education, and community support and opportunities.

Greeters Ministry


Sis. Ramona Chretien

First Corinthians 12:28 refers to greeters as the ministry of help. We help the Pastor fulfil the vision God has given him by making those who come through the doors of the church feel at home. Our responsibility is to help all who come to worship feel joy, sincerity, importance, peace and comfort when they enter the doors of the church. It is so important that we help everyone feel welcomed. It is essential to understand as a Greeter, we are the first persons that visitors and members see when they enter the church door, we have to always show the love of Christ. It is our responsibility to let visitors and members know that we humbly appreciate them fellow-shipping with us. We are committed to ensuring that guests are served, that their needs and concerns are met, and that they feel the joy of the Lord upon entering our Worship Service.

Health Ministry


Bro. Marcus Rogers

The purpose of this ministry is to provide selective health care services in the church setting and to strengthen the relationship between spiritual needs, physical health, and mental well being.

Hospitality Committee


Sis. Bridgette Granson

This ministry group consists of individuals who are friendly, smile easily and are strong enough in their spiritual commitment to be able to communicate with people on any level of spiritual or educational growth. Hospitality Committee members extend the welcome in the worship services but also are readily available to greet guests and members as they arrive.

Marriage Ministry


Rev. Lorenzo & Sis. Janie Carr

This ministry seeks to nourish and develop the marriage to “Kingdom” standards. This is primarily done by strengthening the husband/wife relationship. An offspring of this ministry is the Annual Marriage Retreat. All couples are urged to attend.

Media Ministry (Audio/Visual)


Bro. John Eugene

These two entities are responsible for the audio and video systems during worship services. It is the goal of the sound technicians to get the highest quality taping for adequate reproduction. The Audio Ministry works with any ministry of the church that will be in need of audio for a particular event.

Men’s Ministry (Men Under Construction)


Rev. Johnny l. Letman, iii

This ministry group consists of all the men of the church. The Men’s Group does a bible study geared toward maturing men and allowing them to take their rightful place as leaders in society and the home. It is the desire of the ministry to teach men the art of being a man, not just a testosterone-driven male. If you wish to experience a breeze from the fresh winds of hope in the midst of despair and a drink from the life giving stream, join us in this dynamic fellowship.

Music Ministry


Bro. Damien Drain

The Music Ministry leads the praise and worship for Cathedral of Faith services. Every form of music, from the anthem to contemporary gospel is used. All choir members are expected to render song service at both 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship services. Choir members are also expected to travel, when necessary,to other functions to provide song service.

Nursery Ministry (Birth – 5 Years Old)


Sis. Brittany Simmons

The Nursery Ministry seeks to provide a fun loving, nurturing and spirit filled environment by creating an atmosphere that is conducive to learning and interaction with other children. Facilitated under the direction of trained Christian workers.

“Outside The Walls” Prison Ministry


Rev. Freddie, Jr. and Sis. Margaret Antoine

This ministry provides opportunities for people to establish relationships with inmates in an effort to share Christ and get them to the point of acceptance.

Parking Lot Ministry


Bro. Timothy Smith

This ministry will seek to make your arrival and departure to the church grounds one of ease and hassle-free, in regards to parking. It will also patrol parking lots to provide security and see that others are parked in authorized areas.

Photography Ministry


Sis. Andrea Pitre

The COFBC Photography Ministry serves God and His people as photographers for our church. We have been able to document history that is focusing on significant events that include: church services, major events and even Pastoral engagements. If a picture is worth a thousand words then our Photography Ministry has a lot to say! The photographer’s creative images are used in videos, on the church website and printed materials. The members of our ministry share a dedication to photography and a heart of service. Whatever your level of photography is, we would love your involvement

Prayer Ministry


Sis. Janice Price-Mack

This ministry is the avenue to intercession for the Pastor, the staff and the body of believers. It addresses issues prevalent to church life and the needs of the fellowship.

Relationship And Healing Counseling Ministry


Rev. Robert Sartin

This area of ministry is designed to minister to members and/or couples experiencing one of the three following phases: (1) before you divorce – information the enemy doesn’t want you to know, (2) separated or divorce- what now & where do I go from here?, (3) divorce recovery – when you are ready to get on with your life and possibly considering remarriage.

Scholarship Committee


Sis. Wilma Gibbs

This committee aids our school-aged children in the process of seeking out scholarships, enhancing SAT scores and serves as a guidepost for future aspirations.

Social Media Ministry


Sis. Alyncia Mack-Nelson

The church’s social media department is a dedicated team focused on fostering community engagement, sharing inspirational content, and spreading the message of faith. They manage various social media platforms, create meaningful and uplifting posts, and interact with the congregation and the wider community. Their goal is to promote events, share sermons, and provide support and guidance, all while maintaining a welcoming and inclusive online presence that reflects the values of the church.

Travel Ministry


Bro. J.D. Appling

To provide church members and the community long and short social, cultural and educational trips and events that may be inspirational or just fun. Trips and events are planned to build and enrich fellowships among church members and to reach and strenghten relationships within the community.

Usher Board Ministry


Sis. Lori Threats – President

Bro. Willie Watkins – Vice President

Ushers serve as doorkeepers and assist in the seating and moving of people in the church from place to place in an organized manner. Ushers greet people and provide other assistance to make helpfulness and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Van Ministry


Bro. Rudolph Bailey

This ministry is designed to assist those members, especially our senior members who do not have transportation to Worship Services.

“Victory Through Recovery” Intervention Ministry


Bro. Jerome Sutton

The mission of the Intervention Ministry is to offer help with the recovery process to individuals affected by different types of addictions and assist them in putting into practice spiritual principles that will transform their lives and lifestyles.

Women Of Purpose (Women’s Ministry)


Sis. A. Denise Mack

This ministry seeks to equip women to grow into maturity in Christ. It is a gathering of all women, caring for each other, teaching each other, encouraging each other, and nurturing each other.

Young Adult Ministry (Y.A.M. – 18-30 Years Old)


Rev. Torrian Tucker

Our YAM college/young adult ministry exists to equip 18-30 year olds to fully engage in the worship, community, and mission of the church. This stage of life presents unique challenges, and our Young Adult ministry provides a Gospel-centered, deeply focused environment for discipleship and service that keeps these challenges – and opportunities! fun and in focus..